Tuesday, 24 July 2012

10th Day - 18 July Wednesday


Today we need to design ISIS circuit for our project which was RFID Access Control. In designing this circuit we used pic16f877a, resistor 10k, 20 Mhz crystal oscillator, lcd display and keypad phone which was 4x3 (3 columns, 4 rows). LCD we connected them to the Port B and for the keypad we connected them to the Port D. In pic16f877a, the pins RB0-RB7, RC0-RC7, and RD0-RD7 are digital I/O pins.  The pins CCP1 and CCP2, which share locations with RC1 and RC2, can be used for a PWM.  The pins AN0-AN7 are for analog I/O. TX and RX are for debugging I/O.  The remaining pins deal with power/ground, the clock signal, and programmer I/O.

This PIC is made of several “ports.” Each port is designated with a letter, RB0-RB7 are a port. RC0-RC7 and RD0-RD7 are a port as well. RA0-RA5 and RE0-RE2 are also ports, but with fewer pins. Some of these pins have special purposes, but most can be used as basic input/output pins. For example, we can set pin RB0 to be either an input pin, or an output pin. As an input pin, the digital voltage on the pin can be read in. For example, if RB0 is connected to ground (0v), then we would read a digital 0. If RB0 was connected to power (5v), then we would read a digital 1. On the other hand, if we wanted to set RBO as an output pin, we could choose to make RB0 either be 5v, or 0v.




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